Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation - Financial Inclusion

2014 – Present

The Challenge

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is actively involved in assisting countries through the sharing of knowledge resources and provision of expertise and grants to facilitate the deployment of digital financial and payment services. The Foundation requires active intelligence gathering support on financial inclusion policies/ initiatives in Kenya, Uganda, Nigeria, as well as Indonesia, India and Pakistan.

The Approach

Inke Maris & Associates has been working with the Gates Foundation, Financial services for the Poor since 2014 to help them gather insights to Digital Financial Services the Indonesian market. This includes insider insights on political thinking and debate regarding potential policy developments that will impact financial inclusion programs. We have provided Gates Foundation with in-depth stakeholder and policy benchmarking analysis, intelligence reports and rapid alerts, and also cultivated a network of key stakeholders from local including high ranking officials from the government, media, experts and business. Also working together with BMGF’s grantee Microsave to raise awareness and educate stakeholders including media about financial inclusion issues.

The Result

As a result of our findings and report to GF, the Foundation has decided to make Indonesia one of their priority countries in their Financial Inclusion and Digital Financial Services development assistance program.

About Inke Maris & Associates

PR Agency Indonesia

Established in 1986, Inke Maris & Associates (IM&A) is a leading, independent PR Agency in Jakarta providing strategic counsel to businesses, organisations and public institutions. IM&A was recognised as the Best PR Firm in Indonesia after a survey conducted by Mix Magazine to over 100 Indonesian journalists nominated the firm for the PR Agency of the Year Award 2016. As PR and strategic communications consultants, our work falls into overarching and often intersecting areas of Public Affairs, Corporate Communications, Financial Communications, Marketing Communications, Issues & Crisis Communications, Capacity Building & Training, Social Marketing & PR Campaigns, Community and Stakeholder Engagement, Digital PR, Event Management.